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Kailiang RenPostdoctoral researcher Room 306, Electrical Engineering West University Park, PA 16802 Email: kxr233@email.psu.edu |
EDUCATIONPh.D.: Electrical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University M.S.: Electrical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University B.S.: Electrical Engineering, Tianjin University (P.R. China) RESEARCH INTERESTSCharacterization and fabrication of various advanced materials, for example of quartz, PMN-PT single crystal and PVDF based electroactivepolymer and their applications, such as MEMS IR sensors, energy harvesting, capacitors, transducer and polymer actuators. SELECTED PUBLICATIONSBaojin Chu, Xin Zhou, Kailiang Ren, Bret Neese, Minren Lin, Qing Wang, F. Bauer, and Q. M. Zhang, "A Dielectric Polymer with High Electric Energy Density and Fast Discharge Speed”, Science, Vol.313, 334, July, 2006. Kailiang Ren, Yiming Liu, X. Geng, H. F. Hofmann, Q. M. Zhang, "Single Crystal PMN-PT /Epoxy 1-3 Composite for Energy Harvesting Application”, IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect., and Freq. Contr., Vol. 53,3, 631-637, Mar 2006. Kailiang Ren, Yiming Liu, H. F. Hofmann, Q. M. Zhang, "An Active Energy Harvesting Scheme with An Electroactive Polymers”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 91, 132910, Sep 2007. Kailiang Ren, Sheng Liu, Minren Lin, Yong Wang, Q.M. Zhang, "A Compact Electroactive Polymer Actuator Suitable for Refreshable Braille Display”, Sensors and Actuators, Vol. 143, 2, 335-342, May, 2008. Yiming Liu, Kailiang Ren, H. F. Hofmann, Q.M. Zhang, "Investigation of Electrostrictive Polymers for Energy Harvesting”, IEEE Trans. On Ultrason., Ferroelect., and Freq. Contr., Vol.52, 12, 2411-2417, Dec 2005. Shihai Zhang, Nanyan Zhang, Cheng Huang and Kailiang Ren, Q.M. Zhang, "Microstructure and Electromechanical Properties of Nanotube/Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene-chlorofluoroethylene) Composite”, Advanced Materials, Vol.17, 1897-1901, 2005. Shihai Zhang, Bret Neese, Kailiang Ren, Baojin Chu, and Q.M. Zhang, "Microstructure and Electromechanical Responses in Semicrystalline Ferroelectric Relaxor Polymer Blends”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 100, 044113, 2006. Shihai Zhang, Rob J. Klein, Kailiang Ren, Baojin Chu, Xi Zhang, James Runt, Q. M. Zhang, "Normal Ferroelectric to Ferroelectric Relaxor Conversion in Fluorinated Polymers and the Relaxor Dynamics”, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 41, 271-280, 2006. Shihai Zhang, Baojin Chu, Bret Neese, Kailiang Ren, Xin Zhou, and Q. M. Zhang, "Direct spectroscopic evidence of field-induced solid-state chain conformation transformation in a ferroelectric relaxor polymer”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 99, 044107, 2006. Shihai Zhang, Bret Neese, Kailiang Ren, Baojin Chu, Feng Xia, T. Xu, Srinivas Tadigadapa, Qing Wang, Q. M. Zhang; F. Bauer, "Relaxor Ferroelectric Polymers, Thin Film Devices, and Ink-Jet Microprinting for Thin Film Device Fabrication”, Ferroelectrics, 1563-5112, Vol. 342, 1, 43 – 56, 2006. Qin Chen, Kailiang Ren, Baojin Chu, Yiming Liu, Q.M. Zhang, Vid. Bobnar and A. Levstik, "Relaxor Ferroelectric Polymers-Fundamentals and Applications”, Ferroelectrics, Vol.354, 178-191, 2007. Yong Wang, Kailiang Ren, and Q. M. Zhang, "Direct Piezoelectric Response of Polyvinylidene Fluoride under High Mechanical Strain and Stress”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 91, 222905, 2007. Bret Neese, Yong Wang, Baojin Chu, Kailiang Ren, Sheng Liu, and Q. M. Zhang, "Piezoelectric Responses in Poly(vinylidene fluoride/ hexafluoropropylene) Copolymers ”, Applied Physics Letters, 90, 242917, 2007. |